Horse Bridle – Parts of a horse bridle.

What is a horse bridle?

A horse bridle is a piece of horse tack that is used to communicate with a horse. It is the key piece of equipment for riding and is attached to the horse’s head by means of a headstall. The bridle consists of four main parts: the bit, reins, cheekpieces, and the crownpiece.

The parts of a horse bridle

Headstall / crownpiece: The headstall / crownpiece is the piece that is attached to the cheekpiece and goes over the poll behind the horses ears.


A browband is the piece that runs across the horse’s forehead and is attached to the crownpiece.


The piece that attaches to the headstall and goes under the horses throat is the throatlatch. The purpose of the throatlatch is to keep the horse from rubbing off the bridle.


A cheekpiece is a piece that runs down the jaw and attaches the headstall to the bit.

Noseband / Cavesson:

The noseband goes around the horse’s muzzle  and is used to keep the horse’s jaw closed and apply sideways pressure to the horse’s muzzle. Not all bridles have a nose band.

Curb Chain:

A chain attaches to the bit under the horses chin.


The bit is the most important part of the bridle as it is the only part that directly affects the horse. A bit is attached to the cheekpiece and reins. The bit must be strong enough to withstand the force of the horse’s mouth, but at the same time light enough not to cause discomfort for the horse. Most bits are made out of a combination of steel, brass and copper. Bits are available in a variety of mouth pieces. The most popular types of bits are the snaffle bit and the curb bit. 


Reins are attached to the bit and used by the rider to communicate with the horse. There are a few different types of reins . The most popular are the split reins which have two separate leather straps that attach to the bit. Another type of reins are roping reins. The roping reins are made of one rope or leather piece and used primarily for trail riding or events such as barrel racing and roping.

In conclusion, bridles come in different configurations depending on what the horse is used for. There is no one size or type of bridle that is perfect for all horses or all activities. It is important to consult with a professional to find the best bridle for your horse and your needs. The most important thing is to make sure that the bridle fits properly and is comfortable for the horse.

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